Monday, June 06, 2005

Hannah's Kindergarten Graduation & Sunday Stitch N Bitch

Hannah graduated from Kindergarten on June 1, 2005. Here is a photo in her room right before we were all getting ready to go home!

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And here she is doing their Star Day concert! Hannah is the 3rd from the left in the back row.

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We met up with Pam, Heather, Eva and Melanie at Coffee Rush yesterday afternoon for some knitting.

Eva is working on Soleil in YELLOW. Hmm, is that ironic?

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And, if Heather's head was not nearly so BIG (both actually and euphmistically), we could see Pam, working on her shawl from a HUGE SKEIN of yarn from Joanne's and Melanie too. I can't remember what Melanie was working on since I got a bunch of phone calls from home asking how to work the dvd player in the rec room.
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You know, I leave the house and the place falls apart! Just kidding David!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I was working on a felted hat, and wondering if I will need it to cover up the bald spot on my head being created by pulling my hair out trying to make it. Hopefully not, since it's not even for me. It was nice to see you. Maybe you can join us for Knitting in Public day this Saturday!