Thursday, October 06, 2005

Simon & Poo Poo

As I am waiting here for my printer to start working faster…..I will relay a good thing that happened at our house this morning.

Simon conquered the wonderful hurdle of going poo poo in the potty!  This is a huge milestone in the whole potty training thing.

He is doing so well.  It has really only been 3 days and only 1 accident.

I did have to laugh this morning because he was walking around the house with his little legs clamped together or laying down on the floor trying not to look like he was in pain…cuz it has been 2 days since the last one.

So, I convinced him maybe he should try……he was a bit skeptical at this idea but gave it a try and kept saying, “I’m done” and get off the potty,  but then getting right back on the potty because he really did not feel well.

Ah, the joys of potty training!  Simon is doing so well…much better than the power struggle dramas we got from his sister!!!  She WOULD NOT DO IT…finally just “ran out of diapers” and she was almost 4!  Little bugger.

Her nose was out of joint this morning because her brother got candy for breakfast.  Hmm…seems she forgot she got to go to McDonald’s, have a happy meal, play and then have ice cream!  Boy did that girl throw a 3-4 hour fit over not going poo poo because I kept her home from daycare and would not let her watch cartoons until she did what she needed to do!

This too will pass.  Thankfully for Simon, peer pressure has won out at daycare and he wants to be like all the other kids!  So much easier on me.  


Catherine Kerth said...

HeHeHe!!!!you made me laugh... we are trying to get hillard to poo poo in the potty too... i commend you, that was a great feat....

Unknown said...

Whoo Hoo! Congratulations to Simon. Let's me know what I'm in for in the not too distant future! Thanks for your comment on my blog Sarah.

Michellefinaz said...

Congratulations on this huge hurdle. At least now you don't have to buy anymore diapers, just tons of really adorable undies.