Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I knit this poncho two years ago for Hannah and up until 2 weeks ago, she had only worn it 5 times. I did try and give it away about a month ago but she did not want to let go of it.

However, in a bow to peer pressure, she now wears it because her best friend Kathlyn wears a poncho too!

Of course, it does look like it will fit another year or two.

I started the edging on my shawl but when I got about 150 stitches into it, I realize that I need to knit another repeat so the edging pattern will fit. I am basing my sizing on the top edge and I think it will work out pretty well because I want to the top to be pretty wide but I don't want it to be too long because the recipient is not that tall and I don't want it dragging on the ground.

1 comment:

African Kelli said...

Sarah, remind me to talk to you tonight about a potential chemistry assignment I've got for that scientific brain of yours!