Sunday, April 01, 2007

Busy week ahead....

Ok, I have knitted about 4 inches on the Barbizon Jacket. However, with almost 300 stitches on the needles, it is bulky and only gets knit on at home.
I started another Lace Leaf Shawl out of the dark green yarn I regained after the Wings of the Moth and a few other lace tries. It is nice, small and easy to remember and so...goes well in my purse.

I have been buying a fair amount of new clothes for the new job. I start tomorrow.....with a 1 hour commute each way. Hopefully, the house will sell by the end of the school year and so the commute will only last a few months.

New job means very few visits to SnB on Tuesday nights but something has to give and I can't see getting home at 5:30 pm or later, trying to feed the kids and running out the door.

Updates will be sporadic, at best, for the next little while.

I am excited & apprehensive about starting a new job but am determined to make it work since it is a great job and good company.


Anonymous said...

Best luck for tomorrow, at your new job. Hug

Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you! I know that commute will stink so I too hope your house sells soon! Take care. -K

Wannabe said...

Good luck tomorrow Sarah! May this be a bright new beginning in your life!

Michellefinaz said...

Good luck and have fun. I'm sure you will love it in time, not the commute but the job. Knitting at lunch will be fun, that is what I did at Schwab.

tocspaw said...

Best of luck to you with the new job - I'm sure you'll do great!! I know it's always hard trying to find your spot within a new organization at first, though, so I'll be sending positive thoughts your way for a smooth transition. Congrats on this new start!

Saun said...

Good luck with the new job. I'm sure you'll do just fine.