Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I am so over Tom Cruise

Since the whole couch jumping and Svengali Scientology thing he's got going, I just can't stand the guy. I keep thinking one day that young gal is going to wake up and wonder WTF she has done?

(Of course, as my family and friends will attest, I have had some real winner boyfriends myself so, theoretically, I shouldn't be throwing stones.)

Was he always this arrogant? I mean, over the top arrogant?

I don't think I could even watch him in Top Gun and not want to hurl.

So, I about spit out my water because I was laughing so hard when I read this over at Go Fug Yourself. I really love the last comment by Phillip Seymour Hoffman that he is batshit crazy.

As they say, many a true word spoken in jest.


African Kelli said...

I love that you just taught me Svengali. I am so adding that to the vocab and you couldn't have found a word more appropriate!

Heather said...

Isn't it the perfect word for Tom? He scares me. I'm at the point where I don't want to watch any movie he is in. Even dancing in his whitey tighties.

Creative Genius? said...

Yeah - I'm with you too on this one! I just used to love the guy -- now can't even stand to look at him. I know to each his own but the guy is freaky!! And poor Katie - I used to like her too, in her Dawson days... now she is Tom-Zombie....