Saturday, August 25, 2007

Canned Biscuit Donuts

I don't often watch Paula Dean, not because I don't like her personally but her shows sometimes put me over the edge.

However, today, as we were surfing by she was making donuts out of canned biscuits. What is not to love???

I didn't have cans but I had some frozen ones and just defrosted them.

Part of the illustration on TV was that cutting the donut holes was done using a 2L bottle cap. Hannah was the girl for the job!
Simon is supervising.
She has an old baby spoon to dig out the holes.
Frying them up...that is ME. I am not letting an 8 yo fry donuts.
Since we are in the middle of packing the house for our move, the powdered sugar and cocao is not to be found and so we dusted them with granulated sugar.
They tasted REALLY good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm.......those looked delicious. Good luck with the packing, Sarah.