Sunday, May 25, 2008

Holiday Weekend: Friday

Dad & Linda saw a great deal on the news a few weeks ago for The Buttes Resort in Phoenix. It is a nice resort and so we decided to do a couple of nights at the Buttes.

It was a bit overcast on Friday afternoon but the kids still spent a bit of time in the pool. Afterward we went to dinner at a tourist spot with a great view called Rustler's Rooste Steakhouse. On the way in the kids saw a steer.
There is a slide from the hostess station to the tables. Hannah, Simon & Grandpa took the slide, Linda & I took the stairs.
At our dinner table.
The lights of Phoenix and the sunset in the distance.
Wish I had had some tequila. ;))

1 comment:

Eduarda said...

Love the Buttes.