Monday, February 18, 2008


The kids and I spent a good amount of time looking for Leah yesterday and we also posted signs around the neighborhood and on the doors of our neighbors within a few blocks of the house.

I got a call or two telling me that they had seen her so that was promising that she had not come to any harm.

This morning, I went out to get the paper and called for her but nothing.

Then, as I was standing in the kitchen putting the coffee on, I hear meowing from outside.

Lo and behold, she was standing on the doorstep looking none the worse for the wear. She has however, had a lot of water and food since coming back. Oh, and she spent a lot of time sitting very near me for the first hour.

Thanks for the kind emails about Leah!


margene said...

Wonderful! What a relief.

Heather said...

Thank goodness!! Bet she won't be pulling that stunt again.

Knitty Gritty Thoughts said...

Oh I'm so happy to hear that - what a relief!