Saturday, September 06, 2008

The New Camera is HERE!

I tried to take a picture of the new camera with the old camera but that did not work so I downloaded a photo from Amazon.

Oooohhh...pretty green color!

I finally downloaded some songs to an mp3 player for Simon. He was so excited yesterday morning that he got up early to try it out.
This picture was taken with the timer on my new camera and I also used the gorillapod twisted around the counter stool. Turned out pretty good.
The timer on my camera makes me smile because, many years ago, when I lived in Norway as an exchange student, I had a timer on my old school 45mm film camera. Many, many photos were taken around Norway with my timer. I look forward to getting used to the new camera.

1 comment:

Diane said...

YAY! Love the timer aspect. We will get to see more of you now!! Glad it came and you are enjoying it!