Thursday, May 18, 2006

WANTED: Little Blond Girl in a Purple Shirt

I had the scare of my life this morning at 7:28 am.

As many of you know, Hannah walks to the bus stop at the end of our street all by herself. She is a responsible child and I have to let her go...even when I don't want her to grow up so fast.

This morning Simon was ready to leave for preschool by 7:25 am and really after me to go so I figured we would do some errands on the way to preschool. So....I get to the end of the street and I notice the bus had not come yet, it was coming up the street, so I looked to wave at Hannah as we turned out of the street BUT I DIDN'T SEE HER!

The bus then pulled up and I decided to pull up next to the driver's side to ask if Hannah was on the bus and I just missed her. The driver used the loud speaker on the bus to "page" Hannah, TWICE.

I know he could see the panic in my face. I was biting my nails, and I don't bite my nails, and trying to remember specifically what she had on this morning and tried to figure out who would take her and why and there had to be a reasonable explanation and WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT?!?!?!

I was truly panicking inside and followed the bus to the next stop, hoping against all hope that she went up to that stop to hang out with her friend Wendy.

As I pull up behind the bus at the next stop, I get a glimpse of the purple shirt she had on and know she is ok.

The bus driver was very sweet because after everyone got on, he pulled over and waved me up to tell me she had gotten on at that stop and was OK.

I can't tell you all the horrible things I was thinking when she wasn't at her stop.

My instinct was to follow the bus and pull her off as soon as she got to school and give her "what for" but......I am trying to cool down before I do that because I don't want to scare her so much that she is afraid to do anything but to tell me if she changes the plan.

Thank you for putting up with my LLOONNGG story today. I feel better now that I have gotten it off my chest and will try to be rational when I talk to her this afternoon.


Miss Tonia said...

That is the worst feeling in the world, when you think something has happened to your baby. My girls do that to me aleast once a week. I know how you feel.

African Kelli said...

Mother of God this thing keeps eating my comments.
Long story short -- I am so sorry she scared you that way and you have every right to freak!

Moze said...

OMG. Have a good long talk with her when she gets home! But what a good mom you are not to freak on her in front of her friends -- now make her pay for it by talking to her until you're sure she understands.

Heather said...

Oh God, I would have been freaking out, too. I hate to admit this, but my kids didn't go to the bus stop alone until middle school. I'm so over protective. Oh yea, and the worst mother in the world this week.

Pam said...

Scary! You probably should say something to her re: letting you know if she's going to a different stop. Maybe you shouldn't mention the morning's heart attack.

Glad everything worked out.

MomThatsNuts said...

oh YIKES.....glad she was, the joy AND pain they cause...ahhhh


tocspaw said...

I can only imagine the panic you were feeling!! I'm so glad this story has a safe ending (if not a happy one when she finally gets home!)

Catherine Kerth said...

oh my goodness! the panic you nust have felt! i am so glad it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding instead of a kidnapping....

JerseyGirl said...

Oh man....sorry you had to deal with that yesterday morning! It must have taken you all day to calm down. At least you know she was trying to be a good kid! =)

Theresa said...

My heart was racing as I read your story. I am so glad it had a happy ending!

Thank you so much for the tea and yarn package. I love everything in it. It was so thoughtful of you to include a garter. I didn't have one yet and you've saved me a trip to go buy one.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found her, and that you know enough about her to know her habits! (A lot of moms don't!)

I remember the bewildering oh-my-God-I-am-so-glad-to-see-you-I-love-you-so-much-you-don't-even-know-how-much-trouble-you-are-in-first-middle-last-name-wait-until-your-father-gets-home greetings. So KUDOS for sparing her that.

Have a margarita. You're a rockin' mom.